Master Plan

1. Set a goal

•Shoot for the stars! Adjust your goal if needed.    

2. Education and Awareness

• Educate your coworkers or peers about the importance of water conservation. Give tips on how to save water!

3. Analysis of Areas of Waste

• Analyze your school, home, or business to pinpoint areas of waste. Even small drips add up!

4. Brainstorm Action Plans

•Brainstorm ideas to reduce and improve your water usage, using the data you collect while analyzing your area!

5. Seek Permission

•Seek the necessary permission for the improvements you are planning.

6. Compromise when Necessary

•When you hear “No”, it doesn’t mean “No,” it means look for another approach to hear a “Yes!” Be open to ideas and allow for compromises when things don't go as you first plan.

7. Seek Professional Advice

•Always be on the lookout for ways to improve your plan. Discuss your ideas with professionals! They can guide you in the best direction.

8. Seek Financial Assistance

•If you are planning on making drastic changes, such as replacing toilets or faucets, it could be expensive! Search for grants, donations, and rebate opportunities to help complete your action plan.

9. Revise Action Plans

•Review what you have accomplished thus far. Remember the power of compromise when solving the problems you encounter. Always look for ways to improve and stay flexible as your plan progresses.

10. Take Action

•Take action whenever possible! Be open and ready to compromise! Save the planet one drop of water at a time!